Nov 29, 2009

Where were you on our wedding day?

Well, I survived another year with this lot! Tuomas was away on our wedding anniversary (September 26th, incase you didn't remember....), so this was taken almost a month later. 11th wedding anniversary... not too bad!

Nov 13, 2009

Long lost friend

Just like this old window frame that waited for years for my attention, another friend patiently waited for my attention for four years.

Our paths finally crossed last weekend. We lost touch about the time we moved into our house, I was pregnant with Jaakko and everyday life seemed to be a struggle time-wise. There are still only 24 hours a day (just in case you didn't know...), but maybe now I use my time more wisely (and the boys are older).

We shared good times, therapeutical in my opinion. For my friend it was more work. At times I felt that my friend was just stuck and stubborn, but I guess I was asking for too much. Now I know better, I know what my friend can achieve. There are physical limits to be considered, too.

We always overcame those stuck situations and managed to work together to achieve a smooth result. Our times together have always been quiet, with a calming humm, something different from the hectic hullabaloo.

But last weekend the self-denial ended. My life was wrinkly, I needed to get back in shape, smooth things. I wiped the dust off my dear friend who had sat quietly in the corner of our utility room. Plugged her in and started mangling the sheets.


Their future girlfriends will be so lucky to be able to stare at these eyes. I know I like doing it.

A bag

I found a perfect pattern for a perfect bag. Then I found the most perfect Hello Kitty -fabric (not pink!) and red mushroom fabric. Unfortunately my boys aren't really into Hello Kitty, but luckily their girl friend is. She seemed to like her birthday present.


"Ok, ok, thank you! It was an ok shot!"

I've changed the settings of commenting, if this would stop unwanted ads in the comment fields. Otherwise I'll have to close the whole blog, open only for listed members. We'll see what happens.

Nov 10, 2009

Summer memories

Jaakko with wild strawberries and bilberries. On a straw, of course!