Apr 28, 2010


Yes, I am a very talented person. Especially when it comes to finding stuff. I get very anxious if something is lost and can act very irrationally. Like when I lost Risto's extra passport photos and the receipt for the passport on my way home from the police station. Neither of them were needed. The photos were extras and the new passport could be given by showing the old one. But I needed to find them. So we drove to the police station and looked around at the parking lot. I called the police station the next day. I looked through the stacks of paper at home. Turned my handbag inside out, also the handbag I hadn't used. Under the stairs, above the fridge. The usual places. No where!!! I was quite annoyed for several days. This was a week before we left for Costa Rica. A couple of days after we came back, I found the photos and the receipt underneath the front passanger seat in our car. I had missed that place when I had frantically gone through the whole vehicle. I felt a tense muscle on my back relax when I picked up the lost items.

I found Risto's cap 10 minutes ago. It was in Tuomas' and Jaakko's room. On the table, underneath a mask. Risto's happy to have his Bucket back (I got a kiss.... after I asked for it) and now I can relax.

Even though our house is in a total chaos at the moment, nothing is LOST!

"I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends"

Is there anyone who know from which movie the above quote is without googling?

Apr 26, 2010


DH lost his iTouch. The one he had had for about three months. He was convinced that he had put it "somewhere high" in the house, so that the boys a) couldn't see that he was playing with it and b) the boys couldn't reach it. He turned the house upside down. We looked everywhere, high and low. Garbage, stacks of paper, clean and dirty laundry. We had an annoyed Dad and DH in the house for a week and a half. Until one evening DH got a call. Yeah, it had been found. Really high. Like 1 km from our house. The snow had started to melt and a man waiting for his wife to do the grocery shopping had spotted its corner underneath a pile of snow in the parking lot. He had dried it, turned it on and found DH's contact information. DH was happy.

Yesterday I found his sunglasses in the bushes. They had been there all winter. I don't even remember where he said he had put them.

Today I found Risto's keys. They'd been lost for almost a week. And we had looked for them everywhere. Outdoors, indoors, laundry, garbage, the usual places. Tonight I sat down for a minute, thought about all the places where the keys could be and.... TA-DAH!!! Risto likes to go to the balcony and he needs his keys to go there. Could they still be on the balcony door IN HIS ROOM? He promised to give me a kiss if I found them. I got a hug.

Still lost is Risto's cap he bought from Costa Rica. I call it "The Bucket". It's a ridiculously big straight brimmed black cap, but in his opinion he looks "cool" in it. I have a very motherly opinion. Well, anyway, it's lost. He had it on Tuomas' birthday and hasn't been seen since. And (you know the drill) outdoors, indoors, garbage etc. I'm not too sorry if it's lost for good, but he did pay a ridiculous amount of his own money for it and it's important to him. Remains to be seen.

The boys are bound to take after their father (is it genetic or is it behavioural "mom will find it, why bother yourself"), so I'm stuck with 4 boys "temporarily misplacing" their stuff. Though I have to admit that I have a sarcastic answer to questions "where is my X?": "Fridge, top shelf!".

Any photos?!?!? Oh, they're lost....

Edit: I found a picture! It's from Jaakko's first ever soccer game. Some players are totally lost.

And by the end of the game Jaakko had also lost the concept of the game. I know the photo is not in focus, but that'll have to do.

Apr 23, 2010

Life style

Tokyo as seen from our hotel room. The streets were surprisingly empty at 6 am, so I guess the city does sleep for a couple of hours.
We saw very little of Tokyo during our visit. But even the diagonal zebra crossing reflected the number of people around.
These hay poles leaning against the barn wall resemble a slower life style. I prefer that.

Apr 18, 2010

Birthday party

Tuomas celebrated his 6th birthday with his friends on Thursday, only 3 months late. I have to admit that after having Jaakko's birthday in November, Risto's in December, plus Christmas and then Tuomas' at the end of January, I'm so tired of baking and organizing that poor Tuomas ends up having his birthday party for friends quite late. We did have a party with grand- and godparents + relatives on time, though.
I never plan ahead about any themes, but usually by the night before the party get some ideas. It was pirates this time. All three boys have beautiful wooden pirate ships and I used one as a decoration on the table.
It took some time for the kids to realize that the round black things were edible!Seems like the ship's mice found the stack of cookies on the mast and had a nibble.
A true treasure island filled with candy.

I try to avoid using paper plates and cups. I even put champagne glasses and it turned out ok. Only one glass spilled and another one broke. But maybe next time I'll use just regular glasses!
With 12 kids running around the house (only two girls) the party ended up quite wild. Tuomas and Jaakko bumped into eachother 10 minutes into the party. Jaakko had a cut on his lip, but was 100% after 5 minutes after DH got blood cleaned. Risto enjoyed his role as the oldest child, made the kids do push-ups (!) and was the drummer in the band. It was a fun party, Tuomas enjoyed it, but I'm glad it lasted only two hours.

Apr 16, 2010


I'm not able to close my eyes from reality like this cat in Osaka, but now I'm able to put on noise cancelling headphones and listen to my mysic and not listen quarreling boys. It's just me and Andrea Bocelli echoing inside my head (yeah, lots of space there!). Seems like there is actually a void inside my head: this week I was asked how long I've been working at my current job. And I promptly answered: "For a year and a half.... since '98." She can count, too!

Osaka and Japan seem so far away, it's been actually a year and a half since we were there. I remember this dinner we had next to Osaka castle. I'm not afraid of trying new dishes, but I have to admit that I was a bit surprised when what I thought was fried onions was staring back at me! It was tasty and the little fishies were dead, but still it's disturbing to have your dinner stare at you.
This dude was hiding on the wooden gate at Tokyo Imperial Palace. He had a friend, too.

Apr 11, 2010


"But, Mom! I still don't understand what 'inspiration' means!" I guess my explanations haven't been good enough. Maybe it's because I haven't been inspired in a looong time. I would need some inspiration to wash the windows, clean the kitchen, dust, vacuum clean or anything, but I'm not inspired.I wish I had more time (and inspiration) for photography. This picture was from the church service on the last day of school in 2009.Uninspired Jaakko last spring.

Apr 9, 2010

Forgiving look

Ehkä lapsi katsoessaan minuun
näkee sen lapsen joka
joskus olin.

Ja on kuin olisin jotakin
saanut anteeksi.

- Risto Rasa -

Maybe the child sees the child
I once was
when he looks at me.

And it feels that
I was forgiven something.

- Risto Rasa -

Apr 8, 2010

Travelling tips

We have been asked how we survived the long trip across the Atlantic. First of all, we've done that several times. I think the most challenging trip was to Curacao three years ago when the boys were 1, 3 and 5. Within an hour after take-off from Frankfurt I had changed the clothing of two boys and my jeans were soaking wet from a cup of tea that was poured on my lap. And I didn't have any extra clothes.

Basically, it's just a matter of attitude. It's just a couple of hours of your life (and hopefully not the last ones). It's going to be uncomfortable, the boys are going to argue and we might end up sitting next to people who would prefer to sleep the entire flight. In the end, we've been positively surprised.

On this trip we used bribery! The boys were promised 20 dollars each if they didn't fight, my dad promised another 20. It was a challenging for them, poor kids. Once we could almost see steam coming from their heads, but all DH had to say was "20" and they walked away in different directions. We also had help from a PSP2 and iPod Touch, books and crayons. And patience, patience, patience!

Jet-lag takes a couple of days. This raging bull was with us in Florida last year, picture taken on the first day after arriving. As with the trip to Florida, also in Costa Rica we ended up carrying sleeping boys from dinner to the hotel. Oh, I remember Valentine's Day in 2005 on Marco Island, Florida. We had a dinner reservation in the evening. Risto didn't want to eat anything and just nibbled his food, and by the time we had the bottle of bubbly and sword fish brought to the table, Tuomas had a fit so we took turns eating and trying to calm down a raging 1-year-old outside the restaurant. An elderly couple looked at us smiling; the scene had brought back sweet memories from several decades back "You'll smile at this later".

PS: the number of visitors to my blog has increased significantly despite the fact that I don't update that often. I recognize a few locations of friends and family, but there are several regulars that I don't. It would be nice to know who you are! Drop me a comment!

Apr 7, 2010

Pura Vida Part III, miscellaneous pictures

"Ok, boys, you can go down to the beach, but stay out of the water so you don't have to drive back to the hotel in wet clothes." The picture is self-explanatory.
The pool at Una Ola was nice and compact. Perfect for three boys who can barely swim.
Sea shell, need I say more.
"Yeah, definately bigger than dad's!" Ricardo was the best surf instructor, he was absolutely great with the boys and took the not-so-nimble parents into consideration, too. "Ok, Mama, hop on the board!"
Jaakko with his Pina Colada without the rummmmm.
Butterfly, duh!
Jaakko left his mark on the beach. It was washed away by the tide within seconds.
Bubbly water. This time unbottled.
Beach chick. This is about the maximum amount of skin I could reveal even with SPF 50. And I still got an allergic reaction! Oops, forgot to tuck my tummy in....