We have way too much stuff. "We" meaning us as a family, but also "we" as in general. I need to get rid of it, before I suffocate. But it is really, really hard for me. It took me two months to throw away boys' corduroy trousers that had been patched from the knees and torn from the buttocks. Two months they sat in the utility room waiting for their destiny. It wasn't for sentimental reasons. I just didn't want to throw them away just in case I found some use for them. But they were beyond thrift store quality. I just couldn't throw the fabric away. Finally one night I took my scissors, ripped the zipper (I might need it one day), saved a couple of buttons and elastic and cut the rest into rags. They're now in a plastic bag in the storage room to be used for cleaning... something... some day.

I found a black bin bag full of drawings from my school days. Also a project on husbandry in Finland. The first two newspaper clippings (from 1988) made me smile:"Warehouses full of wool" and "Beekeeping and research limping" (I know, pathetic translations, but you'll have to live with it). I have boxes and boxes of yarn and I'm dreaming of having an apiary.

How 80's the guy with the huge shoulder pads! Beginning of every school year we mad a big paper bag into which the drawings of the following school year were put. I remember being very proud of the one I did starting grade 8 (I was 14 I guess), the one on the top left.

And the dung beetle was one of my favourites, too.

And I was so ashamed of the portrait of my dad in the middle. He didn't look like that!

This is actually fabric glued on paper.
For over two decades I have moved the black bin bag from house to house. It's time to say good-bye to them.
The next project is the book shelf. What should I keep?