We have 9 full days left. That's not much. We've been packing, selling stuff, organizing, making phone calls. Saying goodbye.
We've caught up with friends we haven't seen for years, made new friends in the last minute, we have really felt the love and support of our friends! Thank you so much!
We've said goodbye to the teachers at day-care. Cried. Tuomas was heartbroken the last time we picked him up from there. But the day after we had invited all the day-care teachers who had taught our boys over for a small celebration party. We had a wonderful evening.
Risto has 4 days of school and then it's over. He has his birthday party with a friend next Saturday, saying goodbye that way makes it probably easier.
The boys are anxious, arguing a lot. We are tired. I feel a panic bubbling underneath, but I try to suppress that feeling. Luckily I'm so busy that I don't think about the flight; I'm scared of flying over the Atlantic.
I'm surprised that I have absolutely no feelings towards this house. Maybe I'm suppressing that feeling too.
It's 10:30 PM, we've promised to work for one more hour and then call it a day.