These pictures are in no specific order. I know I should up-date more often, but life in paradise is still normal life with three boys.
This post is about animals that we've encountered lately, dead, alive or fictional.

Gray hawk greeted me up in the tree behind our house one morning. I took quickly a couple of pictures with my zoom lens and then got my tripod to get an even better picture. Once I had it set up, the hawk had flown away.

We have also seen a squirrel cuckoo. The rainy season makes bird watching a challenge because of the foliage.

One more Izzy-Lizzy.

This poisonous
cascavel, rattle snake, was not a welcome guest on our deck. I tried to shoo it away with a broom and it just curled and hissed at me. Then I tried my luck with the pool net, but no success. It just didn't understand that I wanted it to leave and I did not want to kill it. Well, then some workers came to our deck, saw it "
muy malo!" and chopped it into pieces.

We had tons of bugs at the beginning of the rainy season. In the evenings we saw them flying against our screen door and most mornings I could sweep half a liter of dead bugs from the deck.

And some of them were quite big! But one gets gradually used to them, though I did scream when I opened a kitchen cabinet door and out crawled a bug almost 10 cm long.

We called these the mac-mac frogs. When the rainy season started they were everywhere. Literally thousands of them squished on the roads and singing their never-ending
mac-mac-mac-mac-mac mating song in the night. For the first couple of nights we could hardly sleep. When one started with a short innocent
mac-mac he was soon joined in song by thousands. We had one in our bathtub, too. DH tried to get him out with a broom, but it just hopped 1 m up on the wall.

I had to look twice at this insect before I was sure that it wasn't a leaf. A beautiful creature.

Huge moths are regular night guests.

Red snapper with garlic and butter,
que rico! I just don't like their eyes.

Anorectic fish on the beach.

This cute puff fish was getting quite crispy on the beach. No wonder it was attracted by the fly.

Opossum in 2D.

There floppy-eared cows are everywhere. They have a gentle gaze, but I keep a distance or preferably a fence between the bulls and myself.

Our bat family has one more member. See the baby underneath the mother!

I spotted this huge wasp nest high up in a tree. Apparently they are a very nasty type of wasp, over an inch long and venomous. The nest itself was well over 1.5m long!
I've been riding quite a few times at a nearby
finca. One Saturday we rode on the back roads, over the hills in the forest surrounded by all the mysterious sounds, dozens of butterflies and even a few
mono congos, howler monkies. We ended up on Playa Panama, galloping on the beach! The boys are too inexperienced to join on these rides, but Risto and Tuomas took one lesson which was unfortunately interrupted by thunder and rain. I took Tuomas another time. He gets frustrated very quickly, but is willing to learn more.

Tuomas riding Tuto.

Risto riding Palo.

Me on Milennium. Note: no saddle!

Results of art class. The penguin on the left is Tuomas', the one on the right is Jaakko's. Risto's elephant is top left, Tuomas' on the right and Jaakko's at the bottom. Art classes for Tuomas are very frustrating. The blank white paper just scares him and nothing is accomplished without tears. I'm trying to help him to get over this, but it is not easy. For either of us.