Nov 4, 2008

Time, time, time

Unfortunately there is only 24 hours per day in my world, too. Wake up at 0620 (for some of you this might not sound too bad, but keep in mind that I used to wake up at 0730 the earliest and be at the office by 9 am), quick breakfast and out of the house by 0715, car+bus+metro+bus to work, work until it's time to pick up the small boys from day-care by 1700 (after 1h of commuting), cook dinner, spend time with the boys (play, if it's a good day; try to separate them from each other if it's a bad one), the boys in bed by 2100 (check Risto's homework before that), clean dinnertable, kitchen, laundry etc., talk to DH, sit brain dead in front of the telly, to bed by 2200 (hasn't happened too many times) in order to get enough of sleep. It you can find a time slot when I could blog (and edit some pictures), please tell me!!!

But what has happened... last weekend was interesting: one broken ceramic vase (wedding gift from Iceland), one broken ceramic mug (a really nice one from Norway) and one broken wine glass (Ikea, not a great loss) + one bleeding nose. Sounds bad, eh?!? Jaakko broke the vase when vacuum cleaning (hey, he'lll be 3 in a couple of weeks and should be able to do his share of housework), it way really my fault, I'd left it on a low window sill. The wine glass broke in the dishwasher and DH banged the mug accidentally on the kitchen counter. The only thing that wasn't accidental was Tuomas' nose bleed: Risto "rubbed" their noses against each other a bit too affectionatey ("no, I didn't mean to hurt him"... do you believe him?). Risto was misbehaving in so many ways that the TV remains shut for this week and he gets to walk to school and back every day. This gives him plenty of time to think about his behaviour. But the weekend wasn't a total disaster; MIL was over for dinner on Saturday (and when we sat down to eat I remembered that it was our 11th engagement anniversary) and we started getting the guest house ready for my sewing and knitting stuff!!!

Pictures... soon... I promise....

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Glad to "hear" from you again! Sorry about Tuomos' nose. We had a similar experience except it resulted in a black eye and K really was trying to just hug E. I tell my children not to fight but forgot to tell them that hugs can be dangerous.