May 26, 2009

Who? Part II and III

And these blue eyes belong to.....?

Edit: Tuomas, almost 5.5 years. My sister has often asked if I pluck his eyebrows, they are so nice and even. And no, I don't!

Is this one the eldest, youngest or the middle one?

Edit: Risto, almost 7.5 years. Unfortunately he was wearing a bicycle helmet so the blueness of his eyes doesn't come out that strongly. They're almost Robert Redford blue.

I didn't think about giving any prizes for the winners. But I'll be more than willing to take YOUR picture!


Maija said...

Veikkaukseni on:
Ekassa kuvassa Jaakko,
tässä postauksessa alempi Risto ja ylempi Tuomas.

Minkä palkinnon oikein vastanneet saavat???!!! :-D


Outi Loimaranta said...

Alempi on Risto tietenkin! Ylempi Tuomas.