You see because:
Girls do not call their mother an idiot (or stupid), don't make everybody aware of the fact that there is wind coming out of their bodily orifices, don't fight 22/7 (yes, there is about 2hrs of peace in an all-male household on a good day...), don't make artificial farts using their palms and armpits (oh, this is an artform), don't urinate standing up and messing up the whole bathroom, don't roll up their filthy socks in tight little balls and hide them, wear out their bicycle tires in a month so that you can poke your finger through them.

Instead these pretty pink mini-females sit quietly reading books, playing with their dolls, help around the house, make their mother a cup of tea (green tea and mint, please!!), admire the flowers in the garden and don't pick them and say only nice things never yelling.

I'd like to trade for a day and then return to my wild family!

I'll agree with you on the artificial farts, and rolling up filthy socks. However, girls tell their mother that they hate her whenever she says "no". It seems like they fight 22/7 (but since they sleep for 8 or 9 hours it's probably only 16/7). And while they urinate sitting down, you'd be shocked at where it can end up! And the bicycle tires? Yeah, they're hammered.
They pick flowers unless threatened with their life (usually a posy for mom to apologize for saying "I hate you"). They may not yell louder than boys but it's so much higher-pitched that it can burst eardrums.
They help around the house when grounded from the TV and pile their beds full of dolls and all the books they haven't finished yet.
Aren't kids great? I'd love to meet your adorable boys someday.
:D Have to agree with Melanie about girls! They scream (for any given reason as well as without one) and they can be really misbehaved ignoring you and telling you things like "kakkapissapää" and "I don't like you and you don't like me". Check out my latest post about our pretty pink mini-female and her darling behaviour :)
Oh, but girls do call their mothers "stupid" on a daily basis. Girls roll their eyes and say "you don't get it mom". Girls do proudly practice making "kainalopieru". Or maybe my girl has just been around boys too much ;-).
And nothing is as scary as hearing your daughter sound just like her mom when she gets really pissed off!
Kids, *sigh* can't live with them, can't live without them.
I totally agree with the posters above; girls can be totally dreadful. The worst thing girls do, in my book, is scream in that high-pitched voice so typical of little girls. They come up with all sorts of sordid ideas and the play dough they roll to and forth (as do boys in the play group) contains coupious amounts of bacteria, includia saliva and snot. How revolting, but the little bakers and cooks are thrilled to bits!
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