White chested magpie blue-jay was the name of this bird. I think. At Rick's hotel.

Rick's pool. The last night in Costa Rica. Howler monkies are sleeping.

Monteverde Cloud Forest. I think I saw Tarzan riding a T-rex...

Motmot at Rick's.

Hummmmmm. Humming bird.

We found theses tracks on Playa Grande early in the morning. I think we were on the beach at 6 am when the sun rose. It looked like a one-wheeled tractor had driven from the sea. A leatherback turtle had come during the night to lay her eggs.

The tracks led to this nest.

We found two dead, crispy little turtles. They didn't make it to the ocean.

This plant was found in the cloud forest.

Coati on our way to Arenal volcano. At Rick's place there was one (or probably a few, since you couldn't really tell them apart) that was tame. The boys fed him raisin and nut bread.

Calamari pasta. Risto and Tuomas shared this portion and I think their plates were empty in 5 minutes. Seafood is their thing!
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