Before we left for Scotland I had seen some small black specks on his neck hair. I had pulled one out, studied it: not moving, no legs, must be a seed or something. The boys had been in the forest, crawling in bushes and hay, so seeds would be a logical explanation. Logical, but apparently not the correct answer.
Lice! Not the thing you want to meet for the first time in your life in the middle of the night. Risto and Jaakko were already in bed half asleep, so there was really no point in dragging them up again just to check the parasites. So, to avoid Tuomas from spreading them into his bed I shaved his head. Boy, was he unhappy!!
The two older boys were leaving for a basket ball camp early next morning with DH. In order to avoid them from spreading the zoo further I shaved Risto after I found that he had them, too. DH said straight away that his head could be shaved, too, lice or no lice. I know it's not necessary to cut your hair if you have lice, but there was no time to treat it with the special shampoo. Risto and Tuomas were raging mad at me:"You have to cut your hair, too!!!!"
I waited until Jaakko woke up, checked his hair, shaved it. Checked my hair, yuck. Could I trust a four year old to comb my hair thoroughly after the shampoo treatment to get rid of the whole zoo? How would I look without hair? Hmm... the older boys were pretty upset.... Jaakko, do you want to shave my head?
He had fun looking for my "side eyes" as I call them, the hidden eyes that mothers have underneath their hair.
I have got compliments on my new look, raised eyebrows from strangers. In the end, it's just hair (or the lack of it). I'm still the same person, it will grow back eventually. And how easy it is to wash!!!!
I'm shivering. Or shuddering. We had a lice scare a few years ago. What a nightmare! We tried the shampoos and the little plastic combs but they didn't take care of it. Finally, I ended up rubbing oil all over their heads (the lice can't run as fast when covered with oil) and using a metal comb. Each time I pulled the comb through their hair, I dipped it in a pan of boiling water to kill whatever lice got caught on the comb. It took several hours. And several days. Shaving sounds so much easier.
By the way, I think you look great!
Diolch o galon, Llemony!
For once I am so grateful that I have only boys. Shaving girls' heads would be much more difficult!!! A friend of mine battled the lice army for 8 weeks last winter!!! Unfortunately some people are so ashamed to tell if they have lice (even though they don't care about the socio-economic state of their victims) and thus make the epidemics in schools bigger. I immediately called everybody we'd been in contact with during the previous month or so.
And since lice don't live in hair shorter than 5 mm (hey, they live in the metric world....), shaving was the quickest and easiest choice.
Vau Laura, näytit niin upealta tuossa kuvassa että oli pakko lukea koko juttu. Varsinkin kun 8 tuntia uunissa kypsennetty broileri jo houkutti lukemaan lisää!
Tulen seuraamaan näitä ja seikkailujanne!
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