Sep 13, 2007

"Guess what animal?"

Tuomas loves this game. He usually starts with:"Guess what animal lives in the African sea?" It sounds a lot more fun with his very strong French "r"! The answer can be anything from whale, giraffe, lion, fox, hummingbird shark (they can grow up to 200 m long, did you know that?), woodpecker shark (slightly smaller than the hummingbird shark) to anything. And as you can see, it doesn't have to live in the sea. Also guesses about fauna of the French Sea are popular. And if I ask for a hint he usually blurts out the answer straight away. Fun game.

Last night we played it again driving back home. It was my turn:

M:"This animal has four legs and people drink its milk?"
T:"WOMAN!" (technically correct, but not the answer I was thinking about)
M:"Not quite, it's an animal." (well, humans _are_ animals not plants)
T:"MOTHER!" (lately I've acted like one, so not a surprising answer, I guess)
M:"No, this one has horns."
T:"RHINO!" (I'm using capitals since he shouts his answers)
M:"No, this animal lives in Finland."
T:"FOX!" (must have forgotten the initial clue)
M:"It says 'mooooooo' "

He is a smart kid :-)


Anonymous said...

Siis tää on niin huippuhauska tarina, että olen kertonut tätä eteenpäin Tuomarilan hiekkalaatikoilla :-)!

Sun jutuista tulee aina hyvälle tuulelle, tahtoo kuulla lisää kuulumisia nyt heti :-D.

t. pH

Anonymous said...

Laura, your friend from White country, blogged about a poster you made for her. "Keep Calm & Carry on." This is brilliant. Pardon me for being so up front, but I adore this poster and would love to buy a copy, is this possible? Thank you,
-Sara Teeter

Laura said...

No, no, no :-) Can't take credit for this. I ordered it from the UK. You should find it through Google.