Ever since we go married, we decided that we'll return to our wedding church every anniversary and have our picture taken. Not by some professional, but just someone passing by. It's nice to look at these photos, see the change in us, first just the two of us, then a baby, then a toddler + a baby, then a little boy+toddler+ baby and now two bigger boys and a toddler. I think we'll stop at that and just watch these three howler monkies grow.

Tuomas was not in the mood for a picture, so this is the result. Just as we are :-)
I'm off to Belgium on a businsess trip. For five days I don't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, just my teeth I have to brush and if somebody stands up at dinner and shouts "I need to go to the bathroom, number two coming!" I don't need to pay attention. Back in October with more pictures and news!
Oikein ihanaa TYÖmatkaa!
Onnea hääpäivänne johdosta!!!!
Ja leppoisaa työmatkaa.
Have a wonderful time!
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