Aug 20, 2008

News flash

Oops, it's been two months since my last up-date. Here is a list of excuses:

1. I got a new camera in April and earlier this summer I started shooting in RAW. Which meant that the files were 12MB and our PC was too slow to work with them -> we have a brand new MAC now which a lot more capacity. Being new to the MAC world and RAW world I'm still in the learning process and I wanted to put piccies in the blog -> didn't blog at all.
2. I'm changing jobs and finally about a month ago (that long?!?!) I got the new contract signed and am starting in September. I didn't want to say anything about it until it was confirmed.
3. Summer vacation. No time to blog.
4. Risto started school last week. 
5. I'm pregnant..... oops, that's a lie ;-)

Summer vacation is over. We spent a lovely week at DH's Auntie P. Horses, dogs, swimming in the lake, excellent food and company. A couple of weekends at my parents' cottage, their 40th wedding anniversary. Risto chipped his front tooth the evening before midsummer (luckily his was over at our house and the friend's mother is a dentist), not a milk tooth but one of the only two permanent ones he has so far. The dentist was able to glue the chip back.  Risto bumped into Tuomas' hard head! 
Tuomas is in love with a girl at day care. He is sooooo in love, just as she is. It's so cute. Jaakko has grown a lot too and his temper tantrums are getting worse. Things are flying and his brothers have teeth marks on their backs. DH has a surprise for me. Our 10th wedding anniversary is in a month and he's taking me on an extended weekend trip, but I don't know where (just like our honeymoon!). But before that I'll start at my new job and Clara, our au pair, will go back to Germany. Hopefully (and soon!!!) pictures and more up-dates.


Melanie said...

So good to see you blogging again! I missed you! And it was fun to see you comment on mine. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the time we spent in Wales - something about summer and my neighbor's lavender in bloom. Good luck on the new job and adjusting to life without Clara.

Outi Loimaranta said...

Will it be long until you're pregnant? ;-)