Feb 16, 2011

Everyday life

We had visitors from Finland for two weeks. So while the boys have been at school we've took short day trips in the vicinity, mostly to places we've visited before. This mural was on the Monkey Trail on the way to Potrero. I am not sure what, if anything, was behind the wall.

A lonely tree on the Monkey Trail.

The Monkey Trail took us to Playa Conchal. I was feeling slightly guilty that we were here and the boys were at school, but that feeling passed in about a nano-second.
Swimming at this waterfall again. Nice.
Dear Husband with his mother.
Our relatives named this lizard that lives next to our pool Osmo. He's a shy guy.
Sunset at the lookout point in Playa Hermosa.
Playa Panama north of Playa Hermosa at sunset.
Look what I received in the mail. My name was on the package, but for some reason my family thought I should share all these goodies. Hmm.... mine and mine only. Not happy about sharing....
DH's aunt and I took a boat trip in Palo Verde. We saw a lot of birds. Unfortunately my camera lens is not good enough for decent ornithology pictures.
White-faced monkeys. Cute faces hide the sharp teeth.
This one had teeth to brag about! Beautiful creature.
These bats sleep in a line on the treetrunk so that predators think it's a snake.
These were insect-eating bats.
Nocturnal boat-billed heron in Palo Verde.
Our guide said that this tree is a couple of hundred years old.

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