May 23, 2013


What can happen on a Sunday? While the boys were enjoying ice-hockey on tv I took my camera and walked around the almond tree in front of our house. I spotted at least four green iguana babies. Cuteness to the max!



A white-winged dove had made its nest in a palm tree. Her nest making skills are nothing to brag about.

The boys heard chirping and found this Great Kiskadee chick on the ground. We put it twice back into its nest, but it hopped down.
Tuomas gently held the chick while we tried to figure out what to do.
 We put it back into the bush and soon saw its parents come to feed it.
 Unfortunately the next morning I found it covered in ants. Nature took its course.

 Later on in the afternoon just before sunset it was time for basket ball. Jaakko is getting pretty good!

 Risto and I walked the dog to the basketball court on the beach.
The water slide was installed the day before and the boys could test ride it on Sunday. Super fun!!!

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