Tuomas got to borrow Risto's bike last week when Risto went on an overnight trip with DH. It would've been too cruel to tell Tuomas to ride his old, tiny bike after Risto came back, so we bought Risto a new one with 3 gears. Oh, he's so proud of it! And Tuomas, he's so proud of his new bike. And he loves to bicycle. The day Risto was away with DH, I took the boys to day-care. I had everything ready, Tuomas was bicycling on the yard and when I got out, ready to pack him and Jaakko to the car, Tuomas said he wanted to bicycle to day-care (that's 4 km!!). My first thought was "no", but then thought why the answer has to be always "no". I knew it would take time (we had half an hour to get there for the boys to get their breakfast), but I took the risk. We made it just in time, but Tuomas enjoyed it so much. I helped him up some of the hills, pushing him from his back, but we made it. I was sure he'd have his nap, but no! And when we came home after bicycling the 4 km back, he wanted to continue bicycling. In the evening I had to carry him inside screaming, because he just wanted to bicycle.
Jaakko likes to bicycle, too. At first he screamed when I strapped him to the seat on my bicycle and screamed even more when I put the helmet on. But now he walks to the bicycle himself and pats on the seat "I want to go for a ride".
Tuomas, 3.5 years end of July. Finland's future Lance Armstrong. Or wait a second, maybe not. Wasn't he the one who had testicular cancer and doped himself for better results..... I'd love one of my boys to play some instrument, but I think they'll end up just doing a lot of sports!
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