But they did have fun. DH asked Tuomas whether or not he'd like to come back next year. "No! I don't have to come back since I'm not leaving!". They had good weather, a lot of fun and nutritionally questionable diet, but it was all worth it.
Jul 20, 2007
But they did have fun. DH asked Tuomas whether or not he'd like to come back next year. "No! I don't have to come back since I'm not leaving!". They had good weather, a lot of fun and nutritionally questionable diet, but it was all worth it.
The three things I did
e) paint the wall the second time. This is how it turned out. DH's first words:"Wait a moment. Now I know what you were up to while we were away!"
Jul 18, 2007
At home for the day
I had a couple of hours for myself during Jaakko's nap. I had a choice of
a) clean the kitchen
b) vacuum clean
c) do several loads of laundry
d) iron
e) paint the wall the second time
f) knit
g) crochet
h) cross stitch
i) sew
j) weed the flower beds
k) make marshmallow fondant for DH's birthday cake
l) take a nap in the hammock
m) read
n) re-organize the kitchen cabinets that Jaakko likes to "organize"
o) up-date my blog or surf
I chose three of the above. Guess which ones?!?!
My guess is that when DH comes back home tomorrow and notices the wall (and I hope he does, otherwise I'll be worried!) his first words will be:"Hey, wait a moment!!! What has happened here?!?!? LAURA!!!!!!". We'll see....
Jaakko a couple of days ago after his oatmeal (i.e. hair conditioner, facial scrub, body and hand lotion, universal detergent for table tops, floors and clothes + super glue). "This little piggy went up a nostril".
Jul 17, 2007
I spent the day in Porvoo with my cousin. It was so wonderful to walk the streets in the old town and to decide what to do, which shops to pop into. Well, Jaakko was along (they said that he's too young to go camping, needs to be without diapers... i.e. I have 12 months to get him potty trained!!!). Now I have Tuesday evening, Wednesday and Thursday morning to myself (and Jaakko). And guess what I'm going to do (well I started it already). I painted the wall in our bedroom!!! DH hasn't got a clue and I'm not sure how he'll react. The wall was an ugly gray, now it's a light beige. I'm quite proud of myself: we came home from our trip to Porvoo (via the paint shop) at around 7:30 PM, Jaakko was in bed after 8 and the wall was painted and everything cleared by 9:30 PM.
Jul 14, 2007
MIL over for a visit
Tour de Finlande
There was a small farm yard close by and the boys got a chance to see farm yard animals. Risto liked the sheep, but Jaakko was most interested in the pigs.
My father sees a lot of me in Tuomas. Well, he's the middle child like myself. The one left out when Risto has a friend of his own age to play with. My dad says that I looked like an angel with its wings cut off when I was unhappy. Tuomas can be like that, too. But most of the time he just screams when he's mad; that's why he has a hoarse voice. But when he's in a good mood, he's my little sunshine.
We went to a carpet shop there, too, and took our time looking at carpets. Just when we were leaving Risto came in (Risto and Tuomas were allowed to play outside) and said that Tuomas was in trouble. Indeed he was, since he was standing on the metal roof on top of the entrance to the shop about 3 m high. He had followed Risto there. Risto could climb back, he couldn't. No pictures....
Jul 1, 2007
Important things
"To obey!"
Oh dear.....