Jul 20, 2007

The three things I did

The three things I did during Jaakko's nap were

e) paint the wall the second time. This is how it turned out. DH's first words:"Wait a moment. Now I know what you were up to while we were away!"

k) made green marshmallow fondant for DH's birthday cake. IMHO the fondant is too sweet, but otherwise it was delicious with chocolate cake (with chocolate chips) and strawberry puré, banana + whipped cream combined with rahka (sort of cream cheese I guess) between the layers. And no, it's not a typo, "fore" is a golf term.
n) re-organized the kitchen cabinets. A picture of the cabinets is so boring, before or after re-organizing. This is a close-up of the orchid in our bedroom. More beautiful!

1 comment:

Outi Loimaranta said...

The cake is green and great!