Jul 14, 2007

Tour de Finlande

You can only imagine how many fist fights you can get in 1000 km "don't you dare look out my window, I don't want to listen to this song"? We did a small tour, drove to Central Finland to visit friends (and for DH to play a round of golf). We stayed at a lovely cottage where we'd been twice before. The boys ran immediately to the lake when we got there. With a lovely shallow shore Jaakko was able to enjoy it, too. Risto swam a lot.

There was a small farm yard close by and the boys got a chance to see farm yard animals. Risto liked the sheep, but Jaakko was most interested in the pigs.
Risto with "baa-baa-black sheep".Jaakko and his new friend. There were two pigs in the pen. The other one jumped out just where Jaakko is standing in the picture above!!
"This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home...."

Later on that day we caught a fish (This is the short version of "Mommy buys the fishing gear from the petrol station while the testosterone quartet waits in the car, mommy sets up the gear, digs the worms, brutally kills the squirming worm by putting it on the hook, catches a perch, kills it, guts it, de-scales it"). Risto emphasized the "we"... he was actually watching TV when the first fish was caught. Tuomas was with me on the pier. Eventually DH put it on the barbeque so he got all the credit for preparing food for the family like men are supposed to do.

My father sees a lot of me in Tuomas. Well, he's the middle child like myself. The one left out when Risto has a friend of his own age to play with. My dad says that I looked like an angel with its wings cut off when I was unhappy. Tuomas can be like that, too. But most of the time he just screams when he's mad; that's why he has a hoarse voice. But when he's in a good mood, he's my little sunshine.

We went to a carpet shop there, too, and took our time looking at carpets. Just when we were leaving Risto came in (Risto and Tuomas were allowed to play outside) and said that Tuomas was in trouble. Indeed he was, since he was standing on the metal roof on top of the entrance to the shop about 3 m high. He had followed Risto there. Risto could climb back, he couldn't. No pictures....

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