Nov 12, 2007


Risto loves to draw. He informed me a week ago that he no longer does war drawings. Now it's mostly animals. The door to his room is covered with drawings of dinosaurs, quite good ones IMHO. Here's what he drew for me last week: As you can see, there are two bats, two birds (the grey coala bear looking creatures), a Russian flying squirrel above the cottage (note, it is NOT a house but a cottage), a bear climbing up the tree, me between the tree trunk and the hedgehog, a snake and a rabbit next to the cottage, three mushrooms and a fallen leaf and a fallen branch. And the green is not the grass but an underwater cave. He put a lot of effort into drawing all those leaves on the tree!

1 comment:

Vesillä said...

Mahtava kuva!

Lasten kuvissa on jotain, mitä aikuiset taiteilijat jäljittelevät. Tai ehkä heissäkin elää lapsi.