DH lost his iTouch. The one he had had for about three months. He was convinced that he had put it "somewhere high" in the house, so that the boys a) couldn't see that he was playing with it and b) the boys couldn't reach it. He turned the house upside down. We looked everywhere, high and low. Garbage, stacks of paper, clean and dirty laundry. We had an annoyed Dad and DH in the house for a week and a half. Until one evening DH got a call. Yeah, it had been found. Really high. Like 1 km from our house. The snow had started to melt and a man waiting for his wife to do the grocery shopping had spotted its corner underneath a pile of snow in the parking lot. He had dried it, turned it on and found DH's contact information. DH was happy.
Yesterday I found his sunglasses in the bushes. They had been there all winter. I don't even remember where he said he had put them.
Today I found Risto's keys. They'd been lost for almost a week. And we had looked for them everywhere. Outdoors, indoors, laundry, garbage, the usual places. Tonight I sat down for a minute, thought about all the places where the keys could be and.... TA-DAH!!! Risto likes to go to the balcony and he needs his keys to go there. Could they still be on the balcony door IN HIS ROOM? He promised to give me a kiss if I found them. I got a hug.
Still lost is Risto's cap he bought from Costa Rica. I call it "The Bucket". It's a ridiculously big straight brimmed black cap, but in his opinion he looks "cool" in it. I have a very motherly opinion. Well, anyway, it's lost. He had it on Tuomas' birthday and hasn't been seen since. And (you know the drill) outdoors, indoors, garbage etc. I'm not too sorry if it's lost for good, but he did pay a ridiculous amount of his own money for it and it's important to him. Remains to be seen.
The boys are bound to take after their father (is it genetic or is it behavioural "mom will find it, why bother yourself"), so I'm stuck with 4 boys "temporarily misplacing" their stuff. Though I have to admit that I have a sarcastic answer to questions "where is my X?":
"Fridge, top shelf!".
Any photos?!?!? Oh, they're lost....
Edit: I found a picture! It's from Jaakko's first ever soccer game. Some players are totally lost.
And by the end of the game Jaakko had also lost the concept of the game. I know the photo is not in focus, but that'll have to do.