Yes, I am a very talented person. Especially when it comes to finding stuff. I get very anxious if something is lost and can act very irrationally. Like when I lost Risto's extra passport photos and the receipt for the passport on my way home from the police station. Neither of them were needed. The photos were extras and the new passport could be given by showing the old one. But
I needed to find them. So we drove to the police station and looked around at the parking lot. I called the police station the next day. I looked through the stacks of paper at home. Turned my handbag inside out, also the handbag I hadn't used. Under the stairs, above the fridge. The usual places. No where!!! I was quite annoyed for several days. This was a week before we left for Costa Rica. A couple of days after we came back, I found the photos and the receipt underneath the front passanger seat in our car. I had missed that place when I had frantically gone through the whole vehicle. I felt a tense muscle on my back relax when I picked up the lost items.
I found Risto's cap 10 minutes ago. It was in Tuomas' and Jaakko's room. On the table, underneath a mask. Risto's happy to have his Bucket back (I got a kiss.... after I asked for it) and now I can relax.
Even though our house is in a total chaos at the moment, nothing is LOST!
"I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends" Is there anyone who know from which movie the above quote is
without googling?
Can you come over to my house and help me find the TV remote? It's been missing for months and no one can remember where they put it.
And I'd have to google the quote to know where it came from. But it sounds familiar. :)
Marriage is an institution - it suits people who belong to an institution...
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