I'm not able to close my eyes from reality like this cat in Osaka, but now I'm able to put on noise cancelling headphones and listen to
my mysic and
not listen quarreling boys. It's just me and Andrea Bocelli echoing inside my head (yeah, lots of space there!). Seems like there is actually a void inside my head: this week I was asked how long I've been working at my current job. And I promptly answered: "For a year and a half.... since '98." She can count, too!
Osaka and Japan seem so far away, it's been actually a year and a half since we were there. I remember this dinner we had next to Osaka castle. I'm not afraid of trying new dishes, but I have to admit that I was a bit surprised when what I thought was fried onions was staring back at me! It was tasty and the little fishies were dead, but still it's disturbing to have your dinner stare at you.

This dude was hiding on the wooden gate at Tokyo Imperial Palace. He had a
friend, too.
My stomach is in knots after looking at your dinner...
Llemony, it was delicious. They were just small fish with teeny-tiny little eyes, scrunchy eyes I might add!
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