Jul 18, 2007

At home for the day

Well, not exactly. We bicycled to Tapiola, the nearest shopping center, with Jaakko. Got DH his birthday present, tried to get to a hairdresser straight away, no vacancies :-( But I have an appointment for tomorrow morning. My own hairdresser is on vacation. I haven't been to another one for over 10 years. And now I'm going to do the unthinkable: let someone else do my hair. It's not that I wouldn't trust anyone elses skills, I just don't want my ears touched. And my hairdresser knows it, so I'm in safe hands with her. I know it's funny, I just hate if someone touches my ears!!! My hairdresser always laughs because whenever she gets nearer my ears with her scissors my head starts to move the other way. I just can't help it.

I had a couple of hours for myself during Jaakko's nap. I had a choice of

a) clean the kitchen
b) vacuum clean
c) do several loads of laundry
d) iron
e) paint the wall the second time
f) knit
g) crochet
h) cross stitch
i) sew
j) weed the flower beds
k) make marshmallow fondant for DH's birthday cake
l) take a nap in the hammock
m) read
n) re-organize the kitchen cabinets that Jaakko likes to "organize"
o) up-date my blog or surf
p) relax
q) stare at the wall

I chose three of the above. Guess which ones?!?!

My guess is that when DH comes back home tomorrow and notices the wall (and I hope he does, otherwise I'll be worried!) his first words will be:"Hey, wait a moment!!! What has happened here?!?!? LAURA!!!!!!". We'll see....

Jaakko a couple of days ago after his oatmeal (i.e. hair conditioner, facial scrub, body and hand lotion, universal detergent for table tops, floors and clothes + super glue). "This little piggy went up a nostril".

This is what he does when I ask him where his eyes are :-)


Melanie said...

My husband was less than excited when I came home with a new table, lamp and mirror. This morning, however, he admitted that it is "growing on him" and he's starting to like it. Hopefully, DH is more enthusiastic from the beginning! Good luck!

BTW, Jaakko is adorable when he's covered in oatmeal!

Laura said...

Sut mae, Llemony!

DH liked the wall!!! I have to admit that I was looking for some lamps, but didn't find any....

PS: I was counting on you on some info on the heavenly diet. Diolch yn fawr!