Aug 3, 2007

Summer, part II

And we spent a day with our friends in an activity park, Puuhamaa. This is how Tuomas will look like as an obese, fed-up teenagerI hope he'll never look like this! He was jumping on a trampoline! Funny what gravity can do to your cheeks!Looking better here! He was all red on his face by the time he stopped jumping.
Jumping up and down on a trampoline and throwing the ball to each other. It sounds like a running wheel for hamsters. But they loved it.
Jaakko and DH coming down a slide, a long but not too fast one. Risto wanted to go on this ride and I, stupid me, volunteered. Each of us had two buttons to choose from: either the cabin would turn up-side-down with your face first or with your back first. The first minute was fun, but the last 6 (it seemed to go on for ever!!) were not. But, boy, did Risto enjoy teasing his mother!

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