Aug 3, 2007


Summer is almost gone. DH has been back to work for a week, I'm back at the office on Monday and boys in day-care.
Our vacation was busy! We came back home Thursday last week (and he went to work the next day) and DH's comment was:"Great vacation. Next summer we'll stay at home!"

And what did we do:

Sister's family spent a couple of days with us. We took the boys (she has 2 boys, 5 and 1 year olds) to a farm yard. And what did they want to look at: Cousin Vincent and Risto on the vintage tractor.Jaakko played with this car for at least half an hour.

Tuomas was interested in the guinea pigs.

Axel, our god-son, 15months, on my back.
"They're not looking. Let's run! I'm sure they can handle 5 boys if they can handle 3. Oh, but I can't move fast with this belly. We'll just walk fast and quietly!". Sister and her DH.
*piano string smile* "Shoot, they saw us. Ok, it was a good plan, but we were too slow."

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