May 23, 2007

Lost skills

When was the last time you did a summersault, threw a cartwheel or did a handstand?

I tried to do a summersault last summer. I started with the mental part "put your chin to your chest, curl your back and make yourself into a soft ball and let it roll" and landed flat on my back. It hurt!!! Besides it made me feel dizzy.

Risto is quite good at summersaults. I told him that he could try doing a cartwheel, since he's so good at summersault. Of course I had to show him how to do it "now lift your legs straight high up into the air" I said before doing somekind of a weird combination of a summersault/cartwheel/something. I couldn't get my legs up!!! And I felt dizzy again!

The same thing happened with the handstand, but I finally (after about 15 tries) managed to get my legs up. But I played it safe and did it against the wall. But felt dizzy again and like an elephant.

Looks easy. Chin to your chest and GO!

I could do this just a couple of years back... or was it decades. I honestly think I should practice this with the boys this summer. It can't be that difficult!!!!
Risto doing (or trying to do) a handstand against the wall. I his opinion it was too easy, so he didn't do it properly.

"But hey, Mom! This is more difficult to do this way when you climb up the wall and do the handstand this way!" Yeah, right. Lately he's been testing my motherhood by calling me stupid everytime I refuse to do things his way, mostly refusing to buy stuff. "No, I won't subscribe to Donald Duck magazine now. The previous ones are mostly ripped or stuffed into the book shelf. And no, I won't buy you a skate board either. Too dangerous for you and especially for you little brothers. No, trampoline is out of the question." "Stupid mom!" he tells me. Actually it's been Tuomas who's been more keen on getting a trampoline:"Mom, I give you two choices. Either buy a trampoline or something we can climb on!". Wow, I have a choice!!!!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

The last time I tried a somersault, I was 6 months pregnant. I didn't realize until I was already flipping over that I was going to have a hard time in the landing - ouch! The cartwheel was easier though - I didn't have to curl up. Just a couple weeks ago, my girls were rolling down the hill at our neighborhood park. I remember with fondness doing that as a kid so I decided to try. Big mistake! I got sea sick, bruised my shoulders and couldn't see straight for several minutes! Good luck perfecting your somersault!